More Jigsaw Girl (2009)

SPOILER ALERT - these are the last two pages and could be considered spoilerish, though they actually make very little sense on their own.

Today's listening: all the South Park Christmas specials are playing on the TV behind me.  Currently, the Woodland Critter Christmas is in full flow. "Hail Satan!"
Jigsaw Girl, page 8
It's the second day of December! Which means I'm tired, broke, and covered in glitter. So I'm taking a short break from Christmas-related activities to post more old pages from Jigsaw Girl.

Page Eight (above) continues my adventures in melodrama - contorted posing, exaggerated lighting, and odd angles.  I quite like it.

Jigsaw Girl, page 9
Page nine (above) features Jigsaw Girl recovering and reattaching her stolen skin. I'm not sure the artwork fully conveys the reality of this idea - this is a naked, skinned girl, sewing her own skin back on. I remember that I tried to make her look serene and methodical, suppressing her pain in order to escape, rather than simply agonised, and I didn't want the artwork to be too gruesome, but I think I skewed a bit too far into PG territory; I'm not sure you can tell she's skinless in the second panel, or if she just looks like she's wearing a mask.  And it should probably look like it hurts more.

Pretty colours though (I don't do colour very often, so apologies for bragging). And I do like the blood in the first panel.  Though the shadow of Jigsaw Girl approaching, with her bandages falling off, doesn't really look like anything; if I did it again now I'd just have her reflected in the pool, and I'd add more pain.

On that note, I'll just leave you today with this festive thought:

"I'm not doing you any more favours and I'm not letting you give birth to the Antichrist!" - Stan Marsh.

All text and images copyright © Marleen Lowe - please do not reproduce without permission


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