Progress report - Kane Mesmer

(The page below comes from quite late in the book, so SPOILER ALERT, I suppose - or else, TANTALISING GLIMPSE ALERT maybe?)

Okay, so.  Having determined to complete Kane Mesmer by the end of the year, and knowing that December is likely to be busy with all sorts of inconveniences such as eating and drinking and buying presents and falling over giggling and whatnot, I resolved to draw and ink the rest of the pages first.  Usually I scan each page in as it's drawn, then shade and letter it, then move on to the next one, but I thought if I could blitz the actual drawing, it would be a weight off my mind.  Also my family would, I think, prefer not to have all my drawing stuff scattered all over the living room throughout Christmas, and I can retire to the Mac to shade everything in peace.

So now I'm sitting here with Eddie (the littlest, cutest, evillest of our cats) headbutting me, having completed (so far) seven pages in three days, which is pretty good for me, even if they have been relatively uncomplicated pages.

I have, after this, three pages left to draw (I think) plus a cover image (which I keep forgetting about); then 12 pages to letter and shade, and then sundry corrections/reshadings to do to the previous forty-odd pages.

Kane Mesmer, page in progress
I've had a lump on the third finger of my right hand since I was a child, because I hold my pen at an odd angle and the pressure formed a bulbous sort of callus there.  You can tell if I've been drawing a lot because the lump gets shiny and red (or rather, black, until I wash the ink off it).  Right now it looks diseased. This makes me happy.

Hopefully this won't be some weird fluke, this workrate - I'd like to think I can keep this up...


All text and images copyright © Marleen Lowe / Accent UK Comics - please do not reproduce without permission


  1. Pic of the finger please!

  2. It's gone down now, fortunately! Tomorrow I'll take a pic of it in full bloom for you. :)


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